Captured 22435 BSB-NDLS Vande Bharat which was closely followed by 20175 BSBS-AGC Vande Bharat, meanwhile PRRB-BUI Passenger entered platform 1 of Jhusi (it absolutely needs more coaches) and JI-BSBS MEMU is ready to commence it's journey to Varanasi (both of these passengers had a huge boarding from Jhusi station)
please wait...Translate to EnglishCaptured train 22435 BSB-NDLS Vande Bharat, closely followed by 20175 BSBS-AGC Vande Bharat. Meanwhile, PRRB-BUI Passenger entered platform 1 of Jhusi (it needs more coaches). The JI-BSBS MEMU is ready to depart for Varanasi. (Both passenger trains had significant boarding at Jhusi station.)
please wait...Translate to Hindi22435 BSB-NDLS वंदे भारत पकड़ा, जिसके तुरंत बाद 20175 BSBS-AGC वंदे भारत आई। इस बीच, PRRB-BUI पैसेंजर झूसी के प्लेटफार्म नंबर 1 पे आई (इसमें और डिब्बे बहुत ज़रूरी हैं) और JI-BSBS मेमू बनारस के लिए जाने को तैयार है (दोनों ट्रेनों में झूसी स्टेशन से बहुत सारे यात्री चढ़े)।