Old Number: 01093 New Number: 02193 Train Name: Mahanagri COVID - 19 Special Regional Name: Hindi Name: महानगरी कोविड - १९ विशेष Inaugural Run: 2020-12-01
Old Number: 01094 New Number: 02194 Train Name: Mahanagri COVID -19 Special Regional Name: مہانگری کووِڈ - ۱۹ سپیشل Hindi Name: महानगरी कोविड - १९ विशेष Inaugural Run: 2020-12-01
News Entry# 0 🔹️Diverted via Ratanpur,munger-barauni-mokama on 20.3.2020. 🔹️दिनांक22.03.2020से31.03.2020तकजमालपुर-मुंगेर-बेगूसराय-बरौनी-पाटलिपुत्रहोकरजायेगी।
News Entry# 0 🔹️Diverted via jamalpur-munger-barauni-mokama on 20.3.2020. 🔹️दिनांक22.03.2020से31.03.2020तकजमालपुर-मुंगेर-बेगूसराय-बरौनी-पाटलिपुत्रहोकरजायेगी।
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