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Compare Route with: Select Train for Comparison 12697/MGR Chennai Central - Thiruvananthapuram Central Weekly SF Express 12695/M.G.R Chennai Central - Thiruvananthapuram Central SF Express 22207/MGR Chennai Central - Thiruvananthapuram Central SUPER AC Express 12623/MGR Chennai Central - Thiruvananthapuram Central Mail
Shortest Route: 150 Stations. 804 km.
Hide/Show Route Stations Shortest Route 149 Stations Km MAS 0.0 BBQ 2.14 WST 3.87 RPM-ELS 5.18 RPM 5.26 MSB 6.8 MSB2 6.81 MSF 8.28 MPK 9.51 MS 10.86 MSC 12.95 NBK 14.52 MKK 16.09 MBM 17.73 SP 19.26 GDY 21.48 STM 23.6 PZA 25.16 MN 26.28 TLM 27.67 PV 29.51 CMP 31.8 TBMS 33.56 TBM 35.38 PRGL 38.83 VDR 40.98 UPM 43.87 GI 46.8 POTI 50.34 CTM 52.36 MMNK 53.53 SKL 58.05 PWU 61.86 31 stations CGL 66.41 TRX 69.42 OV 74.97 PTM 79.55 KGZ 87.31 MMK 91.05 PQM 97.61 MLMR 101.93 ACK 104.76 TZD 110.86 KSGL 115.87 OLA 120.41 PCLM 125.1 TMV 132.07 MTL 141.53 NMO 146.8 PEI 150.06 VVN 158.15 MYP 163.31 18 stations VM 169.36 KDMD 177.29 TVNL 185.42 PRKL 194.41 ULU 204.96 MPLY 211.25 PVN 216.72 6 stations VRI 224.08 VRT 225.82 TLNR 233.06 PNDM 242.67 ICG 246.17 ICGH 247.85 MTUR 252.38 SNDI 260.58 VER 264.39 OTK 269.14 ALU 277.59 SLTH 284.7 KLGM 293.49 KKPM 302.54 PMB 307.0 KTTR 315.55 LLI 320.83 MAND 323.94 VLDE 326.97 BXS 331.26 UKV 333.37 SRGM 335.72 TPTN 339.16 XX-GOCB 343.17 GOC 344.75 24 stations TPJ 347.43 PUG 356.47 KLS 366.12 SMDM 374.04 MPA 383.88 CII 390.64 VPJ 397.83 KFC 406.14 AYR 417.28 VDM 425.68 TMP 433.43 10 stations DG 441.76 VO 447.08 ABI 453.11 KQN 463.94 VDP 475.12 KYR 478.89 SDN 482.92 SER 491.62 KON 500.35 KONC 501.65 9 stations MDU 504.06 TDN 511.03 TMQ 521.46 SVK 528.62 KGD 536.09 4 stations VPT 547.47 TY 562.9 SRT 574.41 NLL 584.34 CVP 595.99 KPM 606.31 KDU 618.31 IVL 625.55 7 stations MEJ 632.08 YY-MEJC 633.29 NRK 638.96 GDN 646.6 TAY 654.32 4 stations TEN 661.11 TRNL 662.76 MP 664.73 SGLM 675.91 NNN 689.3 DYS 696.68 VLY 703.41 NPK 711.32 KVLK 715.36 AAY 721.55 THX 725.02 XX-NCJC 733.52 XX-NCJB 733.96 NJT 737.71 VRLR 743.69 ERL 751.13 PYD 759.6 KZT 765.89 KZTW 768.97 PASA 774.22 DAVM 780.45 AMVA 784.06 NYY 786.69 BRAM 790.73 NEM 796.15 24 stations TVC 803.87
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