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Compare Route with: Select Train for Comparison 12959/Bandra Terminus - Bhuj Weekly SF Express 22955/Kutch SF Express 22903/Bandra Terminus - Bhuj AC SF Express 11092/Pune - Bhuj Express 22830/Shalimar - Bhuj SF Express 94801/Ahmedabad - Bhuj Namo Bharat Rapid Rail 12965/Bandra Terminus - Bhuj Weekly SF Express 20907/Sayaji Nagari Superfast Express
Shortest Route: 52 Stations. 355 km.
Train: 52 Stations. 359 km. Train Route between Ahmedabad Junction and Bhuj is longer by 3 km (1%).
Hide/Show Route Stations Shortest Route 51 Stations Km ADI 0.0 SBTA 3.69 1 stations SBT 5.3 SMYD 5.77 SBTF 10.35 CLDY 10.92 XX-CLDO 11.56 ABD 16.67 GGM 21.89 SAU 28.27 WSE 33.26 CE 39.8 VCN 45.96 JKA 53.25 XSK 58.99 12 stations VG 65.18 VGDC 66.65 1 stations JN 78.24 SADL 86.7 BAJN 95.7 JTX 103.94 VSV 116.03 4 stations DHG 130.68 GSY 137.48 CUL 145.79 SUK 156.15 HVD 162.11 DHNL 172.33 DVY 179.91 KHXB 190.09 WDHR 198.86 XX-MALY 203.9 9 stations MALB 208.14 XX-MALZ 209.53 INDRG 219.46 SRBR 224.48 KATR 235.73 4 stations SIOB 247.39 VONB 254.5 BCOB 263.3 CHIB 276.39 BMSR 286.43 GIMC 298.05 GPPR 300.27 6 stations AI 305.97 AJE 313.23 SPDA 321.96 RUT 329.53 KEMA 343.08 MADP 346.89 5 stations BHUJ 355.3
Hide/Show Train Stations 94801/Ahmedabad - Bhuj Nam... 52 Stations Km ADI 0.0 SBTA 3.69 1 stations SBT 5.3 SMYD 5.77 SBTF 10.35 2 stations CLDY 10.92 XX-CLDO 11.56 ABD 16.67 GGM 21.89 SAU 28.27 WSE 33.26 CE 39.8 VCN 45.96 JKA 53.25 XSK 58.99 9 stations VG 65.18 VGDC 66.65 JN 78.24 SADL 86.7 BAJN 95.7 JTX 103.94 VSV 116.03 6 stations DHG 130.68 GSY 137.48 CUL 145.79 SUK 156.15 3 stations HVD 162.11 DHNL 172.33 DVY 179.91 KHXB 190.09 WDHR 198.86 XX-MALY 203.9 MALB 208.14 XX-MALZ 209.53 INDRG 219.46 SRBR 224.48 KATR 235.73 10 stations SIOB 247.39 VONB 254.5 1 stations BCOB 263.3 CHIB 276.39 BMSR 286.43 GIMC 298.05 3 stations GIMB 300.36 GPPR 303.56 AI 309.26 2 stations AJE 316.52 SPDA 325.25 RUT 332.82 KEMA 346.37 MADP 350.18 4 stations BHUJ 358.59
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