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Compare Route with: Select Train for Comparison 19667/Palace Queen Humsafar Express 17325/Vishwamanava Express 16507/Jodhpur - KSR Bengaluru Express (via Davangere) 16531/Ajmer - KSR Bengaluru Garib Nawaz Express 16209/Ajmer - Mysuru Express 16533/Bhagat Ki Kothi - KSR Bengaluru Express (Via Guntakal) 16505/Gandhidham - KSR Bengaluru Express 16590/Rani Chennamma Express 20654/Belagavi - KSR Bengaluru SF Express
Shortest Route: 91 Stations. 612 km.
Hide/Show Route Stations Shortest Route 90 Stations Km BGM 0.0 DUR 10.45 IDJ 16.97 KNP 25.74 GNJ 37.68 4 stations LD 51.25 SVTN 56.5 DEV 64.21 NAG 70.89 TVG 76.08 BIE 78.9 5 stations LWR 84.84 KHST 90.55 KBI 96.45 MGD 108.17 KRKP 115.66 DWR 121.64 NVU 128.47 AGL 133.05 XX-UBLW 134.74 UNK 138.19 9 stations UBL 142.03 SUBL 145.73 KNO 157.77 SNH 166.1 GDI 177.31 KALS 182.76 YLG 188.81 SVNR 197.36 KVS 205.6 KJG 210.17 HVR 217.23 BYD 231.32 DAD 241.59 RNR 249.75 CLI 263.2 KMPS 269.36 HRR 273.04 16 stations AVC 277.87 DVG 285.87 THN 295.28 HNH 301.23 KAG 306.12 MYK 314.37 SLU 322.34 6 stations JRU 332.43 HLK 341.85 NLNR 345.8 RGI 352.25 ABGT 358.32 HSD 361.97 SHV 371.96 AJP 382.55 NVF 390.69 8 stations RRB 400.61 DRU 406.98 BLKR 413.33 VNR 423.65 BVR 430.45 3 stations ASK 446.0 ADHL 454.3 HVL 459.56 SSNH 469.15 TTR 471.45 BNK 476.87 RDI 482.27 ARGP 487.28 BSN 492.63 AMSA 498.22 SPGR 503.99 NTR 515.04 GBB 524.3 MLSA 532.68 HEI 536.41 TK 542.29 KIAT 547.65 KDAG 548.44 HHL 553.74 DBS 562.28 NDV 565.26 MDLL 567.68 DBL 574.59 BNKH 579.01 GHL 585.67 SDVL 595.66 25 stations BAW 598.04 XX-YRPL 603.54 1 stations YPR 606.11 MWM 609.01 1 stations SBC 611.77
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