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Compare Route with: Select Train for Comparison 11755/NSC Bose Itwari - Rewa Express (via Chhindwara) 11753/NSC Bose Itwari - Rewa Express (via Gondia)
Shortest Route: 86 Stations. 601 km.
Hide/Show Route Stations Shortest Route 85 Stations Km NITR 0.0 KAJC 1.52 KAV 2.66 KP 10.42 3 stations KNHN 14.81 SAL 20.73 CHCR 27.31 TAR 33.65 RRL 39.28 KHAT 48.26 BRD 58.22 KOKA 66.14 7 stations TMR 76.36 MNU 86.46 TRO 96.44 KWN 103.3 GJ 111.61 XX-GQC 122.24 5 stations G 126.08 NGDM 131.36 PRBG 134.29 GRJ 138.21 BRA 142.79 KRXA 150.39 HTT 154.96 KNDG 158.87 7 stations BTC 166.88 DPW 173.75 SMC 183.02 MGDR 187.28 TTW 191.14 CRN 196.81 LTA 207.64 NWA 216.08 CGLA 217.99 GDU 222.85 PNJ 228.44 10 stations NIR 241.92 JONR 247.18 PDE 254.53 PRTR 261.82 NDNI 269.45 GNS 276.85 VNK 285.85 SKY 297.44 DRPH 304.05 KDHI 308.43 SOY 311.33 BUQ 322.19 CRE 329.59 CGE 334.22 JPV 337.33 GRG 340.89 GGGS 349.89 16 stations KEQ 356.17 MML 358.71 JBP 362.11 ADTL 370.2 DOE 379.0 GSPR 389.55 SHR 400.58 DDCE 415.57 SBD 425.07 SNRR 431.93 NWR 439.7 MDRR 447.66 KTES 451.01 12 stations KTE 452.96 PTWA 462.01 XX-JKEB 467.48 JKE 470.32 PKRD 480.11 UDR 489.8 GNWA 496.38 BUU 502.43 MYR 515.88 UHR 530.27 LGCE 539.8 10 stations STA 551.36 KMA 557.25 SKAR 563.52 HNM 571.2 BGHI 580.27 TZR 588.99 5 stations REWA 600.52
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